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PetSmart Charities Partners with Feeding America in Honor of Pet Hunger Awareness Day

(September 2024)

Nearly 90 million U.S. households include pets, and PetSmart Charities estimates that 30 million pets live in homes with people coping with food insecurity. When people face hunger, their pets can too. On Pet Hunger Awareness Day (Sept. 24), PetSmart Charities will partner with Feeding America to raise awareness about pet hunger in communities across the country.

According to Feeding America, which is currently observing Hunger Action Month, 1 in 6 people seek assistance from food pantries. On Tuesday, Sept. 24, pet owners can pick up food for themselves, as well as their cat or dog family members at certain food banks in Detroit, El Paso, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, New York City, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Tampa Bay. All pet owners in need of support are encouraged to ask their own local food banks if they currently offer pet food or plan to in the future.

These events are part of PetSmart Charities’ ongoing efforts to address pet hunger, with quarterly deliveries of pet food donated to Feeding America partner food banks for distribution to pet parents in communities across the country. To date, more than 350 million pet meals have been delivered through its partnerships with Feeding America, Meals on Wheels America, and others.

“Love for our pets isn’t measured by our bank account balances,” said Aimee Gilbreath, president of PetSmart Charities. “When times are tough, we want to ensure people have access to the resources they need to make sure their pets can stay in their homes doing what they do best – giving unconditional love and companionship.”

Recognizing that when people are facing challenging times, their pets are in it with them, in 2017, PetSmart Charities began a partnership with Feeding America to distribute pet food through partner food banks. Together, their alliance has delivered more than 66 million pounds of pet food, company officials said.

“For a majority of people in America, family includes pets. We see this bond firsthand at many food banks when neighbors come to pick up food for their pets,” said Linda Nageotte, president and chief operating officer at Feeding America. “Their love and dedication in ensuring all members of their families—pets included—have access to the food and resources they need to thrive, makes our partnership with PetSmart Charities critical. Together, we can broaden our reach in the collective movement to end hunger in the U.S.”

Modeling leadership for other pet-serving and human-serving organizations to partner on solutions, PetSmart Charities also supports the Meals on Wheels Loves Pets program. Together they’ve provided 13 million pet meals alongside food delivery for seniors. According to Meals on Wheels America, 1 in 5 seniors will forgo their own meals to fill their own pets’ bowls first. Volunteers from Meals on Wheels discovered the food trays they delivered for clients were often left on the floor as pet owners shared their meals with pets.

“Older adults enjoy so many benefits from caring for their pets,” said Ellie Hollander, president and CEO of Meals on Wheels America. “The comfort and companionship they offer boosts wellness, staves off feelings of isolation and helps older adults remain active. Our partnership with PetSmart Charities has helped more seniors stay in their homes together with their pets – happier and healthier.”

Alphia, one of the largest pet food co-manufacturer in North America, is matching donations to up to $40,000 through Sept. 30.

“We’re grateful for our partnerships with Feeding America and Meals on Wheels America and encourage all social services agencies to consider adding services for pets, too,” Gilbreath added.


View the original story here.